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International Spring Invitational Exhibition : Way of Design

2023 VIDAK 国際招待展

International Spring Invitational Exhibition : Way of Design
2023 VIDAK 国際招待展  テーマ:Way of Design
主催:Visual Information Design Association of Korea(VIDAK)


My work title : Connect

The theme of this work is based on Japanese patterns, which have the meaning of "to connect or tie together.

This pattern is based on the design of Japanese paper folded thin and tied together.

In ancient times, it was used for love letters, and today, you may see "omikuji" tied at shrines and temples in Japan.

I believe that design is truly something that connects people, things, and thoughts and moves them forward.

It is necessary and important not only in design, but in everything, to have a dialogue with people of all generations and in different situations, to try to understand each other, and to "respect" each other.

It may be necessary to take slow steps. The "Way of Design" seems to me to be the "Way to Peace" as it is.



古くは恋文に使われていたり、現代では日本の神社やお寺で “おみくじ” が結ばれているのを見かけることがあります。






illustration: mizuka

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